Mobile Delivery Service Guide

Apr 29, 2013


DST Systems
Electronic Solutions Division
333 W 11th St
Kansas City, MO 64105

ePriority Development

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© Copyright 2001-2015 DST Systems. All rights reserved. This file may not be copied in whole or in part in any medium without the express written consent of the owner.

Contents Up

Introduction Up

In addition to email processing, ePriority offers a batch mobile delivery service. For clients who want to send mobile text notifications or two-way transactional messages, an mobile messages can be delivered through ePriority with the same ease of use as traditional email. ePriority provides the same Delivery Profile features for mobile delivery as it does for batch email processing.

If you have not already done so, you should read the «ePriority Service Overview» before going further with this document as it will provide context for all ePriority features and functionality.

This document defines the ePriority Mobile Delivery Service -- providing automated mobile text message generation and delivery. Batches sent to ePriority may be in any of the following formats:

  • ZIP archive file containing XML Instruction File and content files.
  • XML Instruction file containing inline content.

Instruction File formats and batch submission processes are defined in the following sections. The focus of this document is the Instruction File, which defines all content, recipients, and delivery information necessary to process the Batch.

XML Instruction File Up

XML Instruction Files should be named "epriority.xml". Below is a breakdown of the XML file itself with commentary.

You can view a complete XML schema at the following url:

Example Xml Instruction File Up

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<batch profile="
sms_notify" enrollment="no"
xmlns:xsd="" xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">

A single root "batch" tag surrounds all other tags. Each batch points to the "default" ePriority Delivery Profile unless otherwise specified. For mobile delivery, the profile must have a short code enabled.
The enrollment attribute indicates that the text messages should be sent for the purposes of opting-in to a campaign. Normally, a destination number that has not opted-in will get filtered from distribution. The enrollment attribute is useful for initial opt-in messages as well as re-opt-in of ported phone numbers. The MMA requires that ported numbers re-opt-in from the new carrier.

One or more <template> tags may be defined per batch. Each <template> describes a complete email including recipient list. One batch is capable of supporting both email and mobile messages. One or more <smstemplate> tag is required for mobile messages.

<content type="text/plain" encoding="base64" charset="utf-8">
Mobile content can be supplied inline within the XML file as shown above. Content supplied directly in the XML file must be encoded in base64 to protect the original format.

<sms id="3478">
Each sms tag holds data unique to a text message generated from this template. The "id" attribute is used for tracking purposes and is returned in tracking logs for client use.

<rcpt destination="12345551800" />
Defines the recipient mobile 11 digit mobile number including country code and area code.

<pdata key="x" value="y"/>
<pdata key="
x" value="y"/>
<pdata> tags can optionally be used to define data for merging with mobile content.




XML Element Definitions Up

Element Attribute XML Type

batch profile NMTOKEN
content type CDATA
content encoding fixed
content charset CDATA
sms id NMTOKEN
pdata key CDATA
pdata value CDATA

Batch File Up

See «Batch File» for file requirements.

Batch Submission Up

See «Batch Submission» for batch submission details.